The extreme weather that occurred during October caused 85 disasters in Bogor City. However, the absorption of the budget from the Unexpected Fee Post (BTT) is still very minimal. This also received the spotlight from the Deputy Chairperson of the Bogor City DPRD, M. Rusli Prihatvy.

Rusli asked the Bogor City Government to maximize the absorption of the BTT budget aimed at tackling disasters and improving infrastructure due to disasters.

Because based on data from the Regional Financial Information System (SIKD) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) the absorption of Unexpected Expenditures (BTT) is still 0.33 percent or Rp310 million from the budget ceiling of Rp92.11 billion.

"Of course with the many disasters that occurred in October, we encourage the Bogor City Government to immediately disburse BTT for disaster victims because the realization of budget absorption is still very minimal," said Rusli, Thursday, October 17.

Rusli also emphasized the importance of distributing BTT to disaster victims, in addition to ensuring that there are no follow-up disasters at the location, but also maximizing budget absorption so that SILPA does not occur.

Based on a report from the Bogor City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), of the 85 disasters that occurred, 72 houses were affected with the classification of 31 lightly damaged, 26 moderately damaged and 15 heavily damaged.

Rusli also emphasized to the Bogor City Government to immediately follow up on the disaster decree issued by BPBD so that the implementation of development can be carried out directly and not become dependents in the following year.

This of course requires the synergy and speed of implementation of existing technical agencies such as the PUPR and Disperumkim Offices of Bogor City.

"So the technical office must immediately serve the people who are in trouble. Do not let this disaster decree not be followed up and become dependent in the following year, as happened in 2022. Later we will follow up on reports related to BTT in commission work meetings, because we want to maximize the functions and duties of the Bogor City DPRD," concluded Rusli.

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