JAKARTA - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo stated that the government is coordinating to determine the emergency period for floods and landslides in NTT. The disaster emergency period will be implemented for two weeks and can be extended according to conditions in the field later.

"We will communicate the emergency response later. The initial stage can be 2 weeks, then it can be extended to 2 weeks depending on the needs. Then towards the end of the emergency response, it could be extended again with an emergency transition. So this is a legal umbrella for financial managers, both at the central and regional levels, on the basis of the status set by regional leaders, "said Doni Monardo, Monday, April 5.

Meanwhile, Doni Monardo confirmed that he would open a one-door post. So that every aid is well coordinated for disaster victims in NTT. According to Doni Monardo, the control holder in this aid post could be from NTT provincial government officials or elements of the TNI and Polri.

"All complaints must go to one door. each agency in the area is not allowed to set up a post. Like East Flores, the main (posko) is in Larantuka. Then the tactical post is in the field, namely in Adonara, so all aid has to go through one door. "Later, the main post will distribute the aid to the affected areas, including what priority support needs to be distributed," he continued.

If there are regions that have not received assistance, then coordination according to Doni Monardo can be done with the main post.

"It is better if all of them coordinate with the post, not be allowed to move on their own (which) in the end can cause imbalance, later some will receive assistance and some will not," he said.

Meanwhile NTT Deputy Governor Josef A Nae Soi said the floods and landslides in NTT had caused dozens of villages to be isolated.

In Malacca District, there are 6 isolated villages. The floods cut off the bridge on the river.

"In Malacca Regency there are 6 villages, the river bridge has broken," NTT Deputy Governor Josef A Nae Soi.

Meanwhile, on the island of Adonara, East Flores Regency, there are 6 isolated villages. The cause is landslide roads.

"Then in Sabu Raijua, there are 6 sub-districts that are isolated because the road has broken and the bridge has broken," continued Josef Nae Soi.

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