BOGOR - The City Government (Pemkot) of Bogor, West Java campaigned for the washing of hands with soap on the commemoration of World Soap Laundry Day (HCTPS) in 2024.

The HCTPS commemoration was carried out symbolically at SDN Sukapeace 3, Tanah Sareal District, on Wednesday, October 16. In this activity, school children were given hand washing soap and taught seven steps to wash their hands properly.

Simultaneous hand washing activities (CTPS) held by the Bogor City Government (Pemkot) through the Health Office (Dinkes) aim to raise awareness about the importance of washing hands as a simple way to maintain health.

"Today, we are jointly commemorating Handwashing Day Using World Soap. This commemoration is an important moment for us to raise awareness about the importance of washing hands. This is a simple step, but very effective in preventing the spread of dangerous diseases and germs," said the Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari.

Hery said the theme of this year's handwashing commemoration was 'Why Is Clean Hand Still Important?' This theme is still very relevant to the health challenges we face, such as preventing diarrhea, respiratory tract infections, to the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world.

"For this reason, hand hygiene must be part of the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) that we instill in five life orderings, namely households, workplaces, public places, health institutions, and of course at school," said Hery.

He explained, based on the results of the Bogor City Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS) survey in 2023, 98.6 percent or around 211,052 households had used washing their hands with soap, while 1.4 percent or around 3,083 households had not familiarized with this behavior.

"This warning is in line with the government's program in increasing the level of public health and awareness of the importance of washing hands with soap," he said.

He also hopes that both children and adults will be increasingly aware of the importance of washing hands with soap. Of course, this habit must be supported by access to adequate hand washing facilities, especially in public places such as schools, offices, markets, and community service centers.

"Schools in Bogor City, including SDN Sukapeace 3, must always provide sufficient hand washing facilities and educate students to wash their hands regularly at a certain time, and follow the correct hand washing technique according to WHO recommendations," said Hery.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor City Health Office (Dinkes), Sri Nowo Retno, said that preventing various transmissions of infectious diseases could be prevented with small and simple steps, namely by washing hands with soap.

During the two years of the pandemic, his party has always campaigned to wash their hands with soap because through contaminated hands, they can transmit disease from one person to another.

"Sabun bisa melurusuhkan penyakit di tangan sebagai penularan penularan. Sehingga gerakan ini kita galakkan kembali dengan tujuan meningkatkan kesadaran dan keluaran masyarakat untuk mau hidup sehat," jelasnya.

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