JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo passed Law Number 61 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Law Number 39 of 2008 concerning the Ministry of State.

The mutually approved amendment law between the DPR and the President regulates several changes to the previous law.

Reporting from Antara, Wednesday, October 17, the fundamental changes regulated include, among others, Article 6 and Article 7 inserted one article, namely Article 6A which reads; In certain ways, the formation of a separate ministry can be based on the sub-regulation of the government or details of government affairs as long as it has a connection between the scope of government affairs.

Between Article 9 and Article 10 is inserted one article, namely Article 9A which reads; In the event that there is a Law that writes, lists and/or regulates organizational elements as referred to in Article 9, the President can make changes to the organizational element in accordance with the needs of government administration.

Meanwhile, the provisions of article 15 are changed to; The total number of ministries formed is determined in accordance with the needs of government administration by the President.

Article 25 explains four verses, namely; (1) The functional relationship of ministries, non-ministerial government institutions, non-structural institutions, and/or other government institutions is carried out synergically as a government system in accordance with statutory provisions.

(2) Non-ministerial institutions as referred to in paragraph (1) are domiciled under the President and are responsible to the President through coordinating ministers, unless otherwise determined by the President.

(3) Non-structural institutions and/or other government institutions as domiciled and responsible in accordance with what is determined by the President or in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

(4) Further provisions regarding non-ministerial government institutions, non-structural institutions, and/or other government institutions are separately regulated by Presidential Regulations.

The law requires the government and the DPR through tools to handle the legislation to carry out monitoring and review of the implementation of this law no later than two years after the law comes into force.

The law was passed by President Joko Widodo in Jakarta on October 15, 2024 and promulgated by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno on the same date. This law applies on the date of promulgation.

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