MEDAN - Students who are members of the Traditional Fishermen Observer Student Alliance (Alampeta) rallied at the Medan City Hall.

The crowd urged the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, to pay attention to the fate of traditional fishermen whose income has been reduced due to the trawl mafia.

After the mass gave a speech for about 15 minutes, President Jokowi's son-in-law met the demonstrators. He was escorted by the Paspampres (Presidential Security Force) and met protesters outside the city hall. Bobby Nasution had a dialogue with the demonstrators' representatives.

"Yes, I know about this trawl problem, this is because of the 2020 regulation regarding Cantrang (fishing gear). But some businessmen abuse the large number of players using trawl", said Bobby Nasution to students, Monday, April 5.

Bobby Nasution then asked about the requests of the protesting students.

"So these students observing traditional fishermen, this must be the voice of the fishermen, what do you want the solution?", he said.

Responding to Bobby Nasution, the students said that there had been an investigation regarding the trawl mafia acting under the guise of border guards.

"We ask if the trawl is possible to stop its operations because today they are on the grounds of guarding the border. But we have conducted an investigation stating that they played trawling", said the action coordinator, M Azhari Lubis.

"That's why we asked Mr. Bobby to go straight to the field to see and carry out an investigation", he added.

The crowd demonstrates the office of Bobby Nasution (IST)

The demonstrators also complained about the low economic condition of fishermen in Belawan. The students mentioned Bobby Nasution's promise during the campaign.

"We collected promise during the campaign that we wanted to make Medan a blessing. Until now, we still haven't felt that Sir, the Belawan people still have a lot of trouble, many people are poor because their catch is difficult", said a mass.

Bobby Nasution expressed his gratitude to students observing traditional fishermen for the information provided. He confirmed that he would go directly to the field regarding the trawl mafia.

"We are grateful for this information for us, now is not the time for one-way information. That's why I said let's go straight down and see what makes the community vulnerable. Please give me a look at the stubborn companies", he said.

Bobby Nasution also confirmed that he would impose strict sanctions on the companies behind the trawl mafia.

"We look at the regulations and we enforce them. We will give tough sanctions. Let's find a solution together. We should not only impose sanctions but not educate these fishermen", he said.

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