The Border Security Task Force (Pamtas) Yonzipur 8/SMG managed to thwart the smuggling of illegal liquor (alcohol) from Malaysia at the Long Nawang Post in Betaoh Village, Kayan Hulu District, Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara).

The Commander of the Pamtas Task Force for Yonzipur 8/SMG, Lt. Col. Czi Imam Subekti, revealed that the disclosure of smuggling occurred when members of the Long Nawang Post carried out a sweeping patrol at PLBN Long Nawang.

"When patrol members of the Task Force suspected a passing vehicle. After being stopped and checked, 720 bottles of Langkao Kitai brand alcohol were found hidden in the vehicle," he said, Tuesday, October 15.

"In addition, his party also found 250 rounds of homemade ammunition that were allegedly used for hunting animals," continued Imam.

This disclosure is called a clear proof of the dedication and hard work of all members of the Task Force in maintaining border security.

"We will continue to focus on this task to ensure border areas remain safe from any form of illegal smuggling," he stressed.

This activity was led by Danpos Long Nawang, Lt. Czi M. Rizka, along with several other members.

"After the discovery, Lt. Czi M. Rizka reported the results of these findings hierarchically. This success shows the alertness and accuracy of members of the Pamtas Task Force Battalion 8/SMG in carrying out their duties at the Border," he said.

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