JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, revealed that her party had received a presidential letter (Surpres) regarding the request for consideration of dismissal and appointment of the head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Puan said that the name of the Deputy Minister of Defense, Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Muhammad Herindra was appointed as the sole candidate for KaBIN to replace Budi Gunawan.

The matter of changing the KaBIN was conveyed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to the DPR through the Presidential Letter of the Republic of Indonesia Number 51 dated October 10, 2024.

The Surpres was read out by Puan in today's plenary meeting which was held at the DPR building, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 15.

The process of considering changing the KaBIN is usually carried out by Commission I of the DPR in charge of defense, intelligence and foreign affairs.

However, because AKD has not yet been officially formed, the DPR has agreed to form a team to discuss the appointment of the new Head of BIN.

"Given that the AKD has not yet been formed, based on the provisions of articles 111 and 112 of the DPR RI regulation number 1 of 2020 concerning rules, the consultation meeting decided to form a team led by the leadership of the DPR," said Puan.

Puan stated that President Jokowi in his letter only included one name, aka the sole candidate for KaBIN, namely M. Herindra, who had served as Commander General (Danjen) of Kopassus.

"So one name has been proposed from President Jokowi, the Presidential Surpres for the Substitution of the Head of BIN on behalf of Mr. Herindra," said Puan.

"God willing, the fit and proper will be carried out from the DPR, God willing, tomorrow morning in the DPR," he added.

Previously in the plenary meeting, the DPR had determined the composition of the team that would be tasked with carrying out a fit and proper test for the candidate for the Head of BIN.

Puan said the team will conduct a fit and proper test for the new BIN head candidate tomorrow, Wednesday, October 16. "The names that have been proposed to join the team for consideration in the appointment and dismissal of the Head of BIN which will be held tomorrow," explained Puan.

Here are the names of the teams:

PDIP Faction: Utut Adianto, Said Abdullah, Dolfie OFP

Golkar Faction: Muhammad Sarmuji, Muhtarudin, Sari Yuliati

Gerindra Faction: Budisatrio Djiwandono, Bambang Haryadi, Enditap Wijaya

NasDem Faction: Martin Manurung, Amelia Anggraini

PKB Faction: Jazilul Fawaid, Muhammad Rano Alfath

PKS Faction: Jazuli Juwaini, Sukamta

PAN Faction: Putri Zulkifli Hasan, Nasaruddin Dek Gam

Democratic Faction: Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, Hinca Panjaitan

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