JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) warned of the threat of sanctions that would be given to Papua Governor Lukas Enembe if he repeated his actions. In this case, Enembe went to the country of Papua New Guinea by riding a motorcycle taxi via the "rat road".
The Director General of Regional Autonomy at the Ministry of Home Affairs Akmal Malik said that the sanctions to be imposed refer to Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government.
"We need to emphasize that if we return to visit abroad without going through the mechanisms as stipulated in the laws and regulations, there will be sanctions as stipulated in Article 77 paragraph (2) of Law Number 23 Year 2014," Akmal said in a warning letter, quoted as saying. on Sunday, April 4th.
In Law 23/2014, it is stated that regional heads and / or deputy regional heads who travel abroad without permission are subject to temporary suspension for 3 months by the President for governors and / or deputy governors, as well as by the Minister for regents and / or deputies. regent or mayor and / or deputy mayor.
Akmal continued, at this time the Ministry of Home Affairs had also given a warning to Lukas Enembe for violating statutory regulations when visiting abroad.
"The Ministry, in carrying out its function of guidance and supervision, reminds and gives a warning so that in carrying out its duties as Governor, it must always comply with all provisions of laws and regulations, especially those that regulate overseas visits," said Akmal.
For information, Papua Governor Lukas Enembe was deported because he entered the rat road to Papua New Guinea by riding a motorcycle taxi. This was confirmed by the Head of the Immigration Division at the Papua Human Rights Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Novianto Sulastono. Papua Governor Lukas Enembe and his two assistants who entered PNG illegally or without documents.
"It is true that the Governor of Enembe and his two assistants were deported, so the Indonesian Consulate in Vanimo issued a passport-like replacement letter (SPLP)," said Sulastono.
"Three SPLPs were issued by the Indonesian Consulate in Vanimo, Friday, April 2, respectively on behalf of Lukas Enembe, Hendrik Abidondifu and Ely Wenda," said Sulastono who was accompanied by Jayapura Head of Immigration Office Agus Makabori in Skouw.
Papua Governor Lukas Enembe previously admitted entering Papua New Guinea via footpath using a motorcycle taxi. Enembe admitted that he went to Vanimo on Wednesday, March 31 to get treatment for his illness.
"It is true that I went to Vanimo via a footpath using a motorbike taxi for treatment," said Governor Enembe in Jayapura.
He stated that while in Vanimo he sought treatment and therapy due to his illness.
"I was wrong because I entered PNG through traditional roads or footpaths, but it was done because I was forced to seek treatment and therapy due to my illness," he continued.
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