JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) delivered a message to the families of suspected terrorists in Sukabumi Regency, West Java. This was conveyed by the Head of Sukabumi Police, AKBP Lukman Syarif when giving compensation to the wife of the suspect.

"I was contacted by the Presidential Staff to convey a message and a mandate for the suspected terrorist family who rented a house in Limbangan Village, Cibodas Village, Bojonggenteng District, Sukabumi Regency," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP M. Lukman Syarif through Public Relations Officer of Ipda Aah Saepul Rohman in Sukabumi, Saturday , April 3rd.

According to him, there were several messages from President Jokowi that were conveyed directly by the Chief of Police, Lukman Syarif, to SA (25) who was the wife of a suspected terrorist.

In addition, the President provided cash assistance for the suspected terrorist's wife because she was in debt and still had a baby several months old.

The president, he said, knew that the suspected terrorist's wife and child were in dire condition due to the act of her husband who was involved in a terrorist organization after reading the news online.

It was explained that the assistance was in the form of cash which was entrusted to the Sukabumi Police Chief from the Presidential Staff. He emphasized that this compensation was pure assistance and had no other purpose.

"SA, the wife of the suspected terrorist, thanked Pak Jokowi for responding to his complaint because he was in bank debt and still had a baby so the burden on the family was greatly reduced," he said.

On the other hand, SA admitted that she did not know that her husband could fall into and join a terrorist network because during her marriage, her husband did not show any suspicious signs.

"Of course, at first I did not believe that my husband was involved in a terrorism case. What I know is that my husband works in Jakarta and comes home during holidays and returns to Jakarta to work," said SA.

Previously, some time ago the Densus 88 team from the National Police Headquarters searched a house in Limbangan Village, Cibodas Village, Bojonggenteng District, Sukabumi Regency which was occupied by one of the suspected terrorists who was arrested in the Mangga Dua area, Jakarta.

From the results of the search, the police confiscated several pieces of evidence from the suspected terrorist's house which were suspected of having something to do with terrorist network activities.

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