JAMBI - Police identified the bodies of toddlers found by residents under an electrical substation in Solok Sipin Village, Sipin Lake, Jambi City, Sunday, October 6, 2024.

"This case is still under investigation and the body of this child has been taken to the hospital for an autopsy," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Telanaipura Police, Iptu Junaidi, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 7.

This autopsy, he said, was based on the family's request to determine the cause of death of the four-year-old toddler.

The four-year-old toddler has been missing since Sunday (29/9), then on Monday (30/10) the toddler family made a loss report to the police station.

Camat Danau Sipin, Kota Jambi Efrin mengatakan keluarga telah membuat laporan atas kehilangan korban, dan warga juga membantu melakukan pencarian terhadap korban di sekitaran tempat tinggal.

"Last Monday we and the residents helped find the child, the latest information was seen playing in the drainage, then we searched for Lake Sipin," he said.

He did not expect that the victim was found dead under an electric substation.

When found by residents, the bodies of the four-year-old toddler had rotted and emitted a pungent odor.

"Residents smelled a pungent smell and were immediately checked, it turned out that there was a corpse and reported it to the police," he said.

After receiving the report on the discovery of the toddler's body, the police immediately processed the crime scene and installed a police line.

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