JAKARTA - Currently, finding a job is not an easy thing. The current amount of work is not comparable to the available jobs. As a result, the competition for getting a job is getting more difficult.

For those of you who are currently fresh graduate and looking for work, the first step you have to do is find job vacancies that suit your background and work experience.

Nowadays there are many job vacancies advertisements that you can get online. Nowadays, there are many job vacancies applications that advertise job vacancies, one of which is Glints. You can get information about lockers from various regions, positions, positions, and fields that you control.

In addition, you can also get jobs from big cities in Indonesia. You can filter what job vacancies are suitable for you, and look for them according to your area, income, etc., then Glints will display information according to your needs.

If you have found a suitable job. Then the next step you have to make a CV or a good curriculum to get HRD's attention so you can be called up for an interview.

Creating an interesting resume or CV is a step that you have to go through well. Don't make a resummation as long as you will compete with many applicant candidates. For that, make a CV that is interesting and steals attention.

For that, there are several ways for your CV to attract HRD's attention so that interviews can be called, including:

1. Make your resume brief, concise and clear

Reporting from various sources, good CV is short, congested and has a clear summary so it doesn't confuse HRD. Make your resume as short as possible, no more than two pages.

In it you enter your personal data clearly and concisely in each column. If you want to add personal information, make sure to show your skills according to the position of the job you page.

If possible, write in the form of a bullet, so that it is easy to read by the employer.

2. Add relevant experience

Another way to make a good resume is to plan the experience you want to include. Make sure the experience is very relevant to the position you are currently selling. For example, if you want to apply for a graphic design position, then you can attach a design example.

You can also provide a portfolio of project results or your previous work. You can also add this experience to your resume to get good points from employers.

For new graduates who do not have experience, they can enter technical skills or soft skills that are studied in universities.

3. Use interesting words

In fact, the best way to make a good resume is to be careful with the words you use. Make sure to choose the right words. Because, most importantly, the words chosen in CV can affect the employer's assessment.

Then what is the word potential? In short, instead of using the active word, you can change it and use the creative word to describe your profile. We know that the word hard worker is often used in CVs and sometimes HR gets bored of seeing it.

Imagine you using words like creativity, HRD managers will immediately see you as someone who shows great creativity and can develop a company in the future. So, make sure to choose and use the right words to add to the CV you send.

4. Check the grammar

In making resumes, you also have to pay attention to the grammar. Indonesian or English? Every language you use, then you have to make sure that CV must be free from spelling and grammar mistakes.

To avoid grammar errors, typods etc., the step you have to do is do the final editing or can ask your closest friends or people to check it.

5. Use a professional font

This process may seem trivial, but when making an interesting resume, make sure the fonts used are professional and not arbitrary and difficult to read. Basically the most commonly used fonts are Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.

In addition, according to various sources, the font size you use is between 10 and 12. So that the font size is easy to read by HR Manager and does not make it difficult to read it.

6. List of active contacts

What sometimes job seekers forget when writing resummations is to include phone numbers or email addresses that are often or not used for work. Of course, contact information on CV is important so that employers can contact applicants if they take the next step.

So make sure to include your phone number and email. For email, don't give an unofficial email address. You must have or create an email address using your name so that it seems formal.

7. Add skills

In addition to listing relevant experiences, another way to make a good resume is to include expertise. This skill must be relevant to the position you are on. If you have a variety of qualifications, make sure to include only qualifications that are truly relevant to the position you are on.

For example, right now you are looking for a SEO specialist position. Maybe you can enter skills like SEO, SEM, content writing, copywriting, etc. In this way, employers will better believe in your abilities.

By knowing your expertise, the company will know whether the candidates have the qualifications the company needs or not. In addition, the skills you enter can also be useful keywords so that employers can find easily when looking for candidates.

8. Write a contact on the header

You don't just write contact persons on job applications. But Akamu also wrote the contact on the head of the application letter or resummation. So, the name, phone number and email address must appear on the header.

The goal is that employers can quickly identify them and find out how to contact them directly without digging a CV.

9. Pay attention to performance achievements

One way to make a professional resume is to include the achievement of performance in the previous company. Send your achievements and your CV which is relevant to the position you are selling.

By highlighting the achievement of performance, the company will be more confident in employing you. But if you just graduated and don't have professional experience, then you can fill it in by adding academic achievements.

After that, make sure to save it as a PDF unless the company asks for a special order. The reason is that the PDF format will not change if it is opened with the device and operating system.

Those are some steps that you should consider in creating a CV and a job application letter.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)