JAKARTA - The International Maritime Organization (IMO) officially designated the islands of Nusa Penida and Gili Matra in the Lombok Strait in Indonesia, as the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA).

Director of Shipships and Marine Affairs of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) Hendri Ginting who is also the Chair of the Indonesian Delegation said that the determination was officially carried out by IMO at the closing of the 82nd Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) Session, at the IMO Headquarters, London.

"Today, the islands of Nusa Penida and Gili Matra in the Lombok Strait, Indonesia, have been officially designated as Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas by the International Maritime Organization or IMO," Ginting said in a statement, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, October 5.

He said that this success could not be separated from the hard efforts of the Indonesian delegation in drafting proposals and fulfilling the required documents.

"At this meeting, we have submitted a proposal regarding the determination of the areas of Nusa Penida and Gili Matra islands in the Lombok Strait as PSSA as a follow-up to the determination of the Lombok Strait TSS in 2019. Thank God, our proposal was approved by IMO," he said again.

The determination of PSSA on the islands of Nusa Penida and Gili Matra, said Ginting, is a very important milestone and shows commitment and collaboration from the Government of Indonesia and the international community regarding improving shipping safety and maritime environmental protection.

He said that the implementation of PSSA in Indonesia could increase awareness of relevant stakeholders, both international and domestic, of the importance of preserving the maritime environment.

"At the same time increasing commitment to make the necessary continuous improvements to protect marine wealth in the two regions," he also said.

Furthermore, Ginting revealed that Indonesia's proposal received appreciation from IMO member countries, because he comprehensively conveyed supporting data related to biodiversity, ecological conditions, socioeconomics, and culture on the islands of Nusa Penida and Gili Matra.

Separately, the Director General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Antoni Arif Priadi expressed his appreciation to the delegates who succeeded in the success of the Indonesian Government's mission to establish the islands of Nusa Penida and Gili Matra as PSSA at the 82nd MEPC IMO Session.

Antoni said, with the approval of Indonesia's proposal regarding the determination of Nusa Penida and Gili Matra islands as PSSA, Indonesia became the 19th country to determine PSSA, and the second Asian country after the Philippines which has PSSA set by IMO.

"This is expected to open up opportunities for PSSA determination in other regions in Indonesia that also have a wealth of biodiversity, ecological conditions, and the same socio-economic conditions, and are vulnerable to the impact of international shipping activities," he said.

The 82nd MEPC meeting was held at the IMO Headquarters in London, England from September 30 to October 4, 2024. This meeting was attended by representatives from IMO member countries, including Indonesia.

The Indonesian delegation who was physically present was led by the Director of Shipships and Maritime Affairs as well as representatives from the Directorate of Kenavigasian, Legal and KSLN of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Attache Transportation London.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Indonesian Embassy in London, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Indonesian Quarantine Agency, the Indonesian Classification Bureau, and the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya.

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