JAKARTA - The National Coordinator of the Gus Durian Network, Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Wahid or Alissa Wahid, said that the narrative that mentions terror incidents as fabrication is part of misinformation or misinformation by certain parties.

Alissa emphasized this following a video clip containing the statement of her father Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur. Gus Dur spoke in a completely different context from the acts of terrorism that took place this week.

"What Gus Dur said was in a very different context from what happened today. Because the statement was made during the last regime, namely the New Order, where the strength of the armed forces at that time was quite large and there were many 'engineering' records at that time, "Alissa said in a written statement reported by Antara, Jakarta, Friday, April 2.

Alissa said that the original video was actually quite long and why did it fit that part.

"You know the length of the video, why only one piece was taken. So I think it's misinformation committed by certain groups, ”said Alissa.

Alissa added, whatever the government does in the context of countering terrorism must be accused of being Islamophobic if the reference is Gus Dur's statement.

"Because they are still denial (denial), they still don't want to admit that there are indeed these groups that we should also reject their presence," said Alissa.

Alissa clearly condemns the terrorist acts that have recently occurred in Indonesia. The view of terrorism as a part of Islam must also be rejected, because Islam is not represented by the terrorist.

"But we also cannot deny that the terrorists in Makassar are not Muslims. Because the perpetrator recognizes himself as Islam. But it is his interpretation of Islamic teachings that is wrong, ”said the graduate of a Masters in Psychology from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta.

Therefore, Alissa argues that you must be able to distinguish between Islam as a religion and terrorism which uses the wrong interpretation in the name of Islam.

For information, Gus Dur's old video clips go viral on social media. One of them was distributed by PKS politician, Hidayat Nur Wahid. Gus Dur's statement was made when the Bali bombing occurred and was re-revealed during the incident in Makassar some time ago.

"Who knows the perpetrator, it could be our own security forces. The evidence is that the bomb is similar to that of the police," said Gus Dur, commenting on the Bali Bombing incident.

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