TARAKAN - Acting Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Togap Simangunsong handed over the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan safety guarantee program to the 17th National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) contingent in Tarakan city.

According to him, this program is given to 24 athletes to ensure safety and protection when competing. The guarantees provided include guarantees of work accidents (JKK) and death insurance (JKM)

"The Benefit of BPJS Employment protects all athletes. At least there is protection," said Togap, Thursday, October 3.

In addition, Togap asked regional heads in districts/cities to work together to increase funding for the Pepranas contingent, not only through the APBD but from CSR companies operating in Kaltara.

"Don't just rely on the APBD. We also urge companies to participate," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Paralympic Committee Indonesia (NPCI) Kaltara Slamet Yahya said the source of funds for the implementation of this activity was sourced from the Kaltara Province grant fund for the 2024 fiscal year with a budget of IDR 1 billion.

This budget covers the needs of 24 athletes and training centers. Slamet hopes that at the next opportunity the government will continuously provide support for the budget for grant funds in the following years.

"On this occasion, I represent all members of the NPCI Kaltara and the regions to express my gratitude for the assistance of grant funds given to us where every year the government allocates a budget for sports development for people with disabilities in North Kalimantan," he said.

To note, the sports that the athletes participated in were athletics (4 people), swimming, chess players (4 people), badminton (8 people), table tennis (2 people), and weight lifters (3 people).

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