MAKASSAR - TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto directly inspected the security at four Catholic and Christian churches in Makassar City, South Sulawesi. The TNI Commander ensures preparedness to anticipate terrorist threats.

The four locations visited by the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi and the Head of the National Police, Komjen Paulus Waterpauw, were the Maria Ratu Kare Parish Church, the Manggamaseang Church, the Makassar Cathedral Church, and the Immanuel Church.

The first visit by the TNI Commander and the Head of the National Police Headquarters, to the Maria Ratu Kare Parish Church was welcomed by a number of church administrators and congregations who were worshiping Good Friday Mass.

The TNI commander greeted the members and asked about the number of armored vehicles stationed at the church location.

"How many are on standby," said Marshal Hadi to one of his members who was on the armored vehicle.

"Ready, four," replied the TNI member who was asked by Hadi.

Not only checking security, the TNI Commander also spoke to church administrators, one of which was Parish Pastor Kaitanus Saleky. It was confirmed that the situation was safe after the terror action at the Makassar Cathedral on Sunday, March 28.

The TNI Commander also asked church administrators not to hesitate to ask TNI / Polri members for help if there were problems or disturbances during the series of Easter Day celebrations.

Meanwhile, the TNI Commander and the Head of the National Police Headquarters, the Head of the National Police, also visited the Manggamaseang Church. He met the Daily Executive Committee of the Manggamaseang Church, Freddy Tampake, outside the main entrance of the church.

The TNI commander together with Komjen Paulus also assured church officials that the situation was safe under control.

The TNI helped the police to increase security at vital objects and centers of the crowd after two acts of terror in Makassar City.

The first terror attack took place near the gate area of the Makassar Cathedral Church. Two terrorists detonated the bomb and died on the spot, while the injured as a result of the attack were about 20 people.

Meanwhile, the second terror attack in the form of a shooting took place on Wednesday, March 31 at the National Police Headquarters. The attack was carried out alone by ZA (25) who was shot dead on the spot.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the suspect ZA acted alone or was a lone wolf. The police believe ZA's actions were driven by terrorist radicalism, which is likely linked to ISIS.

Not long after these two incidents, President Joko Widodo announced that he had ordered the TNI commander, the National Police Chief, and the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to increase vigilance and assure the public that the situation would remain safe.

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