BOGOR - Bogor City Government (Pemkot) through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) issued Circular Number: 100.3.4/4174-BPBD concerning Improvement of Earthquake Disaster Preparedness dated August 26, 2024.

This Circular letter was issued by paying attention to the data from BMKG monitoring which shows a trend of increasing earthquake activity in Indonesia and the similarity of Megathrust Nenkai, Japan to two Megathrusts in Indonesia.

Following up on this, please help the sub-district heads and village heads throughout Bogor City to prepare concrete steps to increase community preparedness in dealing with earthquake disasters.


1. Prepare a plan for self-saving if an earthquake occurs. Do exercises that can be useful in dealing with debris during earthquakes, such as firing, protection against head, holding, or by hiding under table 3. Prepare fire extinguishers, standard safety equipment, and medicine supplies4. Building house construction is resistant to earthquake shocks with a strong foundation of 5. Search for earthquake risk information, develop evacuation plans, establish evacuation routes and temporary evacuation sites6. plan to strengthen earthquake-resistant houses (retrofitting)7. Prepare disaster preparedness bags8. Following the official social media of related agencies such as Instagram BMKG, BPBD Bogor City, BNPB and the Bogor City Government

Disaster Time:

1. Take cover under the table to avoid objects that may fall and glass windows. Keep your head up and get to the open field 3. Avoid using elevators and escalators, use emergency stairs4. Don't stand near the poles, trees/electric sources/buildings that may collapse 5. Recognize the building parts that have a strong structure, such as in the corner of building 6. If necessary, you can establish a disaster emergency status and form a Disaster Emergency Management Command Post

Coordination of the disaster emergency situation can contact the PB BPBD Pusdalops of Bogor City at the HP number 088809112569Pascabencana:

1. Stay alert to aftershocks2. Check the presence of a fire and the potential for a fire disaster 3. Live in an open place far from the building and electrical and water installations 4. When outside the building with a cliff around it, avoid areas prone to landslides

After the earthquake occurs, make sure the following steps:

a. Buildings that are affected are safe to access/inhabited. If you want to set up family tents around the house, avoid potential buildings. Ensure information from official sources from BNPB, BMKG, or BPBDd. Do not be provoked by hoax issues or forward them to other people

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