CILEGON - One class at SD Negeri Blok I Cilegon, Ciwedus Village, Cilegon City, Banten was sent home due to 15 students experiencing symptoms of chickenpox.

Principal of SDN Blok I Cilegon Exhaust Safrudin said as many as 33 students from grade 1 B had to be sent home to prevent the transmission of waterpox to the student.

"Anticipate the overall spread, so we break up in class, because that many are in grade 1 B. So the others are resting at home today, learning does not mean being closed, but to anticipate being sent home early," said Safrudin in Cilegon, Antara, Tuesday, October 1.

Dozens of students experience symptoms of waterpox such as high fever, weakness, and watery rash and itching spots all over the body.

Meanwhile, the Head of Basic Education and Culture Division of Cilegon City, Suhanda, said the 15 students were infected, of the three students in the class who experienced the same symptoms.

"Indeed, there are 15 children who have symptoms of smallpox, so they studied at home this morning, but they also went to school, they entered first, then they were sent home, because we only found out today. So the child has been told by his parents for treatment," said Suhanda.

Especially for students who experience symptoms of chickenpox, they can rest at home optimally. As for healthy students, the school asks to study at home for one day.

In addition, on Wednesday (2/10) the Cilegon Education and Culture Office, which has coordinated with the Cilegon Health Center and the Cilegon Health Service, will socialize the handling of smallpox, in order to prevent and handle if the child is infected with chickenpox.

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