The Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, handled the case of a student from Sumbawa with the initials DF (20) who received a package containing marijuana from Sumatra.

Head of the Narcotics Unit of the Mataram Police, Akp I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Suputra, said that this case was revealed from a follow-up to information from the NTB Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP).

"Initial information we received from the NTB BNNP will come a package via an expedition from Sumatra which is suspected to contain dangerous goods," said Bagus in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, October 1.

Based on this information, the Mataram Police Narcotics Satres Team coordinated with the expedition to control the delivery or supervision until the delivery of the package to the recipient.

"As a result, on Monday, at around 11.00 WITA, the recipient (DF) requested that the package be handed over in the parking lot of one of the universities in Mataram City," he said.

After the package was received by DF, the Mataram Police Narcotics Satres Team immediately made an arrest by confiscating the package and DF.

"During the arrest, our team checked the contents of the package, witnessed by campus security officers and the results of the search of the package found dried marijuana in brown taped packaging," he said.

After arresting DF along with a package containing marijuana, the police continued their development to one of the boarding rooms in Batu Dawe neighborhood, Mataram City.

The boarding house is suspected to be DF's place with his girlfriend who is also a student who lives together while studying in Mataram City.

"From the location of the two DF boarding rooms with his girlfriend, we searched and found cannabis sticks and seeds in a black box. We acted in this second location, witnessed by local environmental devices," he said.

It is good to convey that the handling of this case is still in the process of being investigated. Although DF has not yet named DF as a suspect, this handling is confirmed to lead to the alleged violation of Article 111 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

From the results of the examination, the police confiscated evidence of marijuana in a package with a gross weight of around 849 grams.

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