SOLO - Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, made a surprise inspection at Demangan Water Gate, Thursday, April 1 yesterday. He provided several inputs related to the construction being undertaken by the Bengawan Solo River Basin Center (BBWS) to be realized soon.

There is something interesting about Gibran's visit this time apart from the suggestions given. He is still wearing a batik sarong with a patterned brown color. Gibran remained flexible, walking around the project area, looking here and there.

Gibran distributed masks to residents he met while giving a message to be disciplined in wearing masks when in public. The children at the location did not escape the attention of the eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Gibran gave them a 'gift' book.

Gibran hopes that the construction of a floodgate can control flooding in the city of Surakarta. "I hope that the revitalization of Pintu Air Demangan will be completed soon so that the benefits can be enjoyed immediately. The Demangan Water Gate can also be a tourist attraction and a sports facility with a jogging track, "explained Gibran as quoted from

Gibran also added, for lighting, it can be designed with classic lamps such as those in Mangkunegaran.

At the same location, PPK Yudi Triana Dewi from BBWS said, the second phase of the Demangan Water Gate construction was targeting the construction of floodgates, mechanical electrical, pump houses, guard houses, generator houses, revetments, and landscaping.

"There are still obstacles because there are 3 houses in RW 13, Sangkrah Urban Village, which are very close to the floodgates, which must be relocated," he said.

The project implementer for the first phase has completed the concrete foundation structure for the sluice gate and pump. The budget for the first phase is IDR 41 billion, while the second phase is in accordance with the contract worth IDR 71 billion. The second phase has started since 2 October and is expected to be completed by 25 December 2021.

The pump to be built has a water engine capacity of 12.5 cubic meters / second. The capacity has increased to 30,000 cubic meters. There are three doors with six water pump units.

The sluice gate is modernly designed, equipped with an automatic water level sensor. Utilization of water gates to adjust the elevation of the Pepe River which empties into the Bengawan Solo River. Six pumps total, but one of them is for backup. So that the capacity of the pump engine is 15 cubic meters / second.

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