JAKARTA - The Saiful Mujani Research Center (SMRC) survey institute released the results of a poll regarding the electability of political parties in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) stock. As a result, the PDI-P has received the highest support.

Regarding this survey, PDIP politician Deddy Yevri Sitorus admitted that he was not surprised. This is because he claims the party bearing the white muzzle bull has a strong base of cadres and supporters.

"If you look at the 2004 survey to date, the figure is always in the range of 23 to 28 percent. This shows, as a party, we have a solid mass base," said Deddy in a virtual discussion, Thursday, April 1.

Deddy said that his party appreciated the survey results. This is because party electability during the COVID-19 pandemic has not reduced the amount of public support for PDIP.

In fact, the corruption case of social assistance (bansos) carried out by former PDIP cadre Juliari Batubara when he was the Minister of Social Affairs also did not make PDIP electability drop.

"Not only the pandemic, but also the cases that hurt us all, turned out to be insignificant and had a negative impact which enabled the public to be able to sort out that it was an act of an individual, not an act of the party of origin," he explained.

From the results of this survey, Deddy said that PDIP is optimistic that it can get 150 seats in the parliament during PIleg 2024. "The government is losing on a good track, our economy is able to rebound, there will be no harmful scandals, we hope we are able to meet that target," he said.

In the SMRC survey, the PDI Perjuangan received the most support, namely 24.9 percent. PDIP also received an increase in support from the 2019 Election by 19.3 percent.

"If we look at the survey trends before the election since 2014, the survey has recorded that PDIP has always been above the election results," said SMRC Executive Director, Sirojudin Abbas in an online survey presentation.

Furthermore, in second and third place are Golkar and Gerindra with 11.6 percent of their respective support.

"Gerindra and Golkar are competing in the 2019 elections. In the March 2021 survey, the same was true, at 11 to 12 percent," he said.

This survey was conducted in the period 28 February to 8 March 2021. The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews with 1,220 randomly selected respondents. The margin of error for this survey is estimated to be around 3.07 percent and the survey's confidence level is 95 percent.

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