Land transposition, especially local trains, is increasingly in demand by the public. To facilitate transportation, Cianjur Regency needs additional local train units. PT KAI noted that the input was to improve service quality.

Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung Ayep Hanafi when contacted from Cianjur, Sunday, said Cianjur Station has three lanes, with lane 2 as the main route serving six trips from Cianjur-Cipat-Sukabumi.

"The addition of train units is very important along with the high demand for train users in Cianjur to a number of destination stations, currently there are only six Siliwangi train trips in one day," Ayep was quoted as saying by ANTARA.

His party assessed that with a limited number of trips per day, the service was not optimal, while the number of train users in Cianjur was quite large, so an additional train unit was needed.

The existence of additional trains can help reduce congestion and pollution along areas traversed by trains, so that the addition of train units will provide many benefits including increasing the economy, reducing congestion, and reducing air pollution.

"To achieve additional units and train travel, the local government can submit it to the center through the Ministry of Transportation, because PT KAI does not have the authority to apply for additional Public Service Obligation or PSO trains," he said.

He hopes that with the increase in the number of passengers every day, the addition of train units can be realized immediately, so that people do not have to wait long because the train service schedule is added.

"People will find it easier to access transportation without having to get stuck in traffic and wait a long time, so support from the Cianjur Regency Government is needed to submit a proposed addition of trains to the Ministry of Transportation," he said.

Acting Regent of Cianjur Tb Mulyana Syachrudin, said that he would immediately ask the relevant agencies to apply for additional train units at Cianjur Station to the Ministry of Transportation, in line with increasing the number of passengers who need mass transportation modes.

Moreover, so far, many tourists who want to take a vacation to Cianjur have been forced to turn around because they are lazy to get stuck in traffic jams in the Puncak area, so that the addition of train units and services can be a solution for migrants and tourists to arrive quickly.

"We will immediately propose that train services at Cianjur Station can be added, so that there are other options for the community, especially tourists from outside the city who want to vacation in Cianjur, can arrive quickly without being stuck in traffic," he said. Reporter : Ahmad Fikri

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