JAKARTA The process of identifying the bodies of the Bekasi River victims has been completed, and the National Police Hospital has announced the names of the victims, Thursday afternoon, September 26. Furthermore, the police invited the victim's family to take the body home. But unfortunately, the family is not allowed to see the condition of the body. What's wrong?

Karo Dokpol Pusdokkes Polri Brigadier General Nyoman Eddy Purnama Wirawan explained that the family was not allowed to see the condition of the corpse because of regulations from the police regarding the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) or Standard Operating Procedures.

"Why can't the family (see the victim's body), this has also been conveyed earlier, we emphasize that it is in the identification procedure, the corpse apparatus which has been a few days, and the process of decay. That is our SOP, it does not justify the existence of the family seeing it first because it causes bias. So if we give it violates our SOP," explained Brigadier General Nyoman Eddy Purnama Wirawan, at the Police Hospital, Thursday afternoon, September 26.

According to Nyoman Eddy, the family only needs to bring or report the characteristics of missing people and the anti-mortem team doing the matching.

"So according to this SOP, the family must report the characteristics of missing people, one side of the ante mortem team is checking, and on the one hand there are those who examine the bodies. Now this is just the process of reconciliation, which one is suitable." he said.

As previously reported, the five bodies of the identified Bekasi River victims were Muhammad Farhan (20), Riski Ramadhan (15), Rido (15), Reski Dwi Cahyo (16) and Vino Satriani.

"Identified based on DNA, fingerprints, dental data, property, medical characteristics and others," he said.

Meanwhile, Vino Satria's parents, Maulana and Melinda, did not comment on the return of their child's body which was put in the coffin.

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