JAKARTA - Today's theft is increasingly sophisticated, even the perpetrators can drain your bank account balance completely. So if you experience this, what should be done?

If you are a victim of a bank burglary, the first thing to do is think clearly and don't panic. Please note that the law regulates your rights when depositing money in the bank.

Steps to Manage Lost Money at the Bank

1. Immediately Create a Report

Don't procrastinate when your money is lost at the bank. That matter. Because there is a deadline for reporting lost money.

Bank Mandiri has a complaint service via WhatsApp (Picture- bankmandiri.co.id)

The deadline for reporting lost money at the bank is 20 days. These rules are as written in Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 16/1 / PBI / 2014 dated January 21, 2014 and Bank Indonesia Circular Letter Number 16/16 / DKSP dated September 30, 2014.

2. Telephone Call Center

If you notice that your account has suddenly been lost or drained, the first thing is to report it to your bank's call center. But before you call, it's a good idea to write down a complete chronology. Apart from that, you can also go directly to the bank office where you created the account.

If during 20 working days from the bank there is no good faith regarding the report you made, then don't give up because you can immediately ask for responsibility from Bank Indonesia (BI).

For those of you in Jakarta, you can visit the Payment System Consumer Protection Division (PKSP), BI Office on Jalan MH Thamrin. BI will try to mediate with the service provider bank and BI can help with losses of up to IDR 500 million.

Laws Regulating Customer Rights when Losing Money

The relationship between customers and the bank is as stipulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and is described in detail in Law Number 10 of 1998 (Law 10/1998) concerning legal protection provided by banks to their customers.

Related to the risks and losses of bank customers, it has been regulated in Article 29 paragraph (4) of Law 10/1998, as follows.

For the benefit of customers, banks are required to provide information regarding the possible risk of loss in connection with customer transactions conducted through the bank.

Then customer deposits have also been guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation, as contained in Article 37B paragraph (1) and (2) of Law 10/1998, along with the excerpt.

(1) Every bank is obliged to guarantee public funds deposited at the bank concerned.

(2) To guarantee public savings in the bank as referred to in paragraph 1, a Deposit Insurance Corporation is established.

The most common mode of theft of money in banks is by skimming, which is common at ATM machines.

Skimming is the immediate theft of our personal data, including account numbers and ATM card PINs. The perpetrators usually copy all the information on the magnetic stripe of your debit or credit card.

How Do ATM Skimming Actors Act?

In skimming, credit or debit card fraudsters add a card reader or what is called a skimmer in an ATM machine.

The rise of skimming actors has prompted banks to innovate their customers' debit or credit cards.

Recently several banks in Indonesia have added special chips and abandoned the magnetic swipe method of the card when making transactions.

Bank Mandiri employees show debit cards with chip technology. (Photo- By Courtesy) .jpg
Can Money Lost at an ATM be Returned?

In fact, the Bank is obliged to provide compensation to customers whose money is lost. This is regulated in Article 7 letter g Law 8/1999, along with its sound.

The bank is obliged to provide compensation, compensation and / or replacement if the goods and / or services received or used are not in accordance with the agreement.

Then Article 19 paragraph (1) of Law 8/1999 explains if the Bank is responsible for providing compensation for damage, pollution, and consumer losses caused by consuming goods or services produced or traded.

Regarding compensation by the bank, it is regulated in Article 19 paragraph (2) of Law 8/1999, as follows.

Compensation can be in the form of refunds or replacement of goods and / or services of similar or equivalent value, or health care and / or provision of compensation in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations.

However, even though you get compensation, this does not remove all criminal charges related to the elements of proven guilt.

It should be underlined that the compensation made by the bank will be invalid and will be forfeited if it is proven that the loss of money is purely the consumer's fault.

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