JAKARTA - The government will implement the determination of Civil Emergency status to handle the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19 when things get worse. Presidential Spokesperson Fadjroel Rachman said President Joko Widodo prioritized Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policies and physical distancing or maintaining a safe distance.

The government, said Fadjroel, is still considering the proposal for implementing a Civil Emergency. Considerations are continuously being made so that the implementation of the PSBB can be carried out effectively.

"The implementation of the Civil Emergency is the last step that may never have been used in the COVID-19 case," said Fadjroel in a written statement, Monday, March 30.

According to Fadjroel, Jokowi requested that the PSBB and physical distancing be carried out in a firm, disciplined and effective manner in order to cut the spread of the virus originating from Wuhan City, China.

Later, in carrying out the PSBB, the government will take a persuasive approach through the Ministry of Health, the Covid-19 Task Force, the Ministry of Transportation, the Police, the TNI, the Regional Government, related ministries and institutions.

The Civil Emergency Status is regulated in a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 23 of 1959 concerning a state of danger.

In that law, Article 1 states, the President / Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces declares all or part of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in a state of danger with the level of a civil emergency or military emergency or a state of war. The three conditions of emergency are specified in Article 1 paragraph 1, 2, and 3.

Article 1 paragraph 1, namely: security or legal order throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is threatened by rebellion, riots or the result of natural disasters, so it is feared that it cannot be overcome by normal equipment.

Article 1 paragraph 2, namely: war or danger of war arises or there is a concern that the territory of the Republic of Indonesia will be raped in any way whatsoever; and Article 1, paragraph 3, namely that the life of the State is in a state of danger or from special conditions it turns out that there are or it is feared that there are symptoms that could endanger the life of the State.

In Article 3 it is emphasized that the ruler of the civil emergency is the President / Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces as the ruler of the Central Civil Emergency.

The scope of civil emergency in the regions is regulated in Article 4 which states, areas under the control of civil emergency are carried out by the regional head at least from the Level II region as the Regional Civil Emergency Authority whose jurisdiction is determined by the President / Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Furthermore, in Article 7 of the Perppu it is explained that the regional civil emergency authorities must follow the directions of the central civil emergency authority, or in this COVID-19 emergency condition is President Jokowi. Later, the president can remove power from the regional civil emergency authorities.

As previously reported, President Jokowi will establish a civil emergency situation. When this situation prevailed, Jokowi asked that pharmacies and staple goods stores remain open according to the distance guard protocol established by the government.

"I also ask and make sure that pharmacies and shops that supply basic necessities can remain open to serve residents' needs while still implementing strict distance guarding protocols," he said in his presentation before a limited meeting with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Monday, March 30. .

Jokowi also asked his staff to prepare a legal umbrella to carry out these large-scale social restrictions. The goal, as a guide for local governments.

"In implementing a large-scale social restriction policy, I ask that clear implementation rules be prepared as a guideline for the regency and city provinces so that they can work," he said.

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