JAKARTA - A husband and wife couple named Maulana and Melinda, the parents of a child named Vino Satriani (15) are still at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Thursday, September 26.

They are still waiting for the process of taking the body which is strongly suspected to be the son of 5 Bekasi River bodies.

The reason is, based on VOI monitoring at the Police Hospital, there is a coffin that reads Vino Satriani 0049/IX/2024/ML in the morgue of the Police Hospital. The coffin is strongly suspected to be handed over to the family.

"We are still waiting, so far we have been testing DNA, we are still waiting. We are waiting but we don't know how long the results will be," said Maulana, Vino's father, to reporters, Thursday, September 26.

Maulana admitted that the family had submitted additional evidence in the form of a diploma report with fingerprints.

"I want my child to be buried because it's been a long time," he said.

Maulana also expressed his gratitude to the Police and media crew who have overseen the Bekasi River incident to date.

"Don't let something like this happen again," he said.

Previously it was reported that Maulana and Melinda, the parents of a child named Vino Satriani (15) still looked anxious at the DVI Command Post at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta. The couple is still wondering if one of the 5 bodies of the Bekasi River victims who is still at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital is his son.

The two of them came to the Police Hospital just to confirm and find out about their child's whereabouts. The reason is, since saying goodbye to his grandmother's house, Vino has not returned to his house.

According to Melinda, she received news from Vino's friend who survived that her child did not fall (not jump into the Bekasi River).

"From the testimony of his friend who survived, Vino did not fall, he was caught at the police station. But suddenly why did my son die? What is this?. He ran with his friend who was an eye witness)," Melinda told reporters, Thursday, September 26.

"How come Vino's mother, Vino can die? She was caught by the Kemang Police. Her friend saw that Vino was clearly arrested by the police," added Melinda, imitating the words of her child's friend who survived.

Hearing the testimony of his son's friend directly, Melinda and her husband immediately went to the police station in question to confirm the whereabouts of their child. However, the effort was in vain. Melinda was unable to find her child.

"I went to the police station, I was transferred to the Resort Police. From the Resort Police I was transferred here (Polri Hospital). He said he could not see the body until now. The intersection (the status of my child's whereabouts)," he said.

However, after being at the Police Hospital, both of them could not see the body of their child on the grounds that there was no complete data. Even though his party admitted that they had conducted a DNA test and handed over the Ijazah Vino report with a fingerprint stamp.

"(I just want to make sure Vino's body is not) Yes, that's all, looking. I want to make sure my child or not. He said if the fingerprints were already there, they could be sent home, while until now they haven't," regretted Melinda.

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