ROME - COVID-19 forces the whole world out of its original grip. Italy, the country with the highest mortality rate as of this writing, has overhauled its medical education system due to a shortage of medical personnel.
A medical student from the University of L'Aquila in central Italy, Chiara Bonini (26 years) has just completed her final exams. The Italian government has immediately accelerated procedures for medical school graduates to enter the workforce. Cut hospital exams in order to increase the number of doctors recruited.
"I want to help my city which is in dire need of doctors," said Bonini of her hometown of Bergamo, one of the northern Italian cities hardest hit by the COVID-19 outbreak, Monday, March 30.
According to CNN, Bonini is one of thousands of Italian medical graduates who have received a government call for urgent assistance in the fight against the world's deadliest virus outbreak. European countries are currently going through one of their darkest times. More than 20 thousand people have died from the corona virus.
That figure already exceeds half of the total number of deaths worldwide. While the highest number of positive cases is still in the hands of the United States with over 143 thousand cases.
For many graduates, this experience will be their first professional job in the health sector. Unfortunately they have to face this due to the biggest crisis in a generation.
"The sudden change in procedures for recent graduates to enter the world of work marks a major overhaul of the Italian education system," said Dr Alessandro Grimaldi, Director of Infectious Diseases at SS Salvatore Hospital L'Aquila.
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