JAKARTA - The interim chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango wants his institution to be able to supervise and take action against conflicts of interest. This act is said to need attention because it is the root of a familiar practice.

This was conveyed by Nawawi while attending a discussion entitled 'Conflict of Interest as an Entrance to Corruption' at the Royal Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 24.

"KPK can be a supervisor and take action if there are indications of a conflict of interest," Nawawi said as quoted in a written statement from the institution, Wednesday, September 25.

Nawawi said the anti-corruption commission should be given wider authority to explore conflicts of interest. This is because state officials are often caught using their authority for personal gain to receiving gratuities.

"If this is allowed, it can reduce the quality of public services and damage public trust," he said.

The conflict of interest is the beginning of corruption. Article 12i of the Anti-Corruption Law states that conflicts of interest can arise in the procurement of goods and services. However, conflicts of interest can arise in various other forms," continued Nawawi.

While on a separate occasion, Nawawi said this proposal could be realized through regulations. "It can be entrusted as an instrument in the KPK such as LHKPN, gratification. (So, red) the conflict of interest is in the centrality, at the KPK," he said.

"So to state, 'oh, it's a conflict of interest, stop it' or'resign' us like that,' explained Nawawi.

In fact, if possible the revision of the KPK Law can be carried out by emphasizing the steps of the institution in dealing with conflicts of interest. So, in the future there will be a deterrent effect that can be accepted by state officials who abuse their positions.

"(Hopefully, ed) by itself, right (included in the law, ed). Then he, for example, can be scored in the KPK Law, of course it needs to be revised again against the law," concluded Nawawi.

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