The Maluku High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) approved the settlement of the persecution case with the suspect, a housewife with the initials DS, against her victim MM in a restorative justice manner.

The case, which began with the alleged affair, occurred in the jurisdiction of the Ambon District Attorney's Office (Kejari) in Saparua, Central Maluku Regency.

The restorative justice settlement was proposed by Kacabjari Ambon Achmad Bhirawa Bissawab through a video conference with Deputy Head of Maluku Jefferdian, Monday, September 23.

The video conference was also connected directly to Director Oharda to the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) Nanang Ibrahim Soleh accompanied by Structural Officer for Oharda at the AGO.

According to Wakajati, the proposed request for approval for termination of prosecution based on Restorative Justice in Case 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code from Kacabjari Ambon in Saparua with suspect DS.

In this case, the suspect DS admitted that he regretted his actions and apologized to the victim who was his neighbor.

The reason for the juridical application for approval for termination of prosecution is based on Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Attorney General's Regulation Number 15 of 2020, namely that the suspect has committed a criminal act for the first time, the suspect and the victim have agreed to make peace and the criminal threat in this case is under five years in prison.

Based on the terms and conditions of the juridicals proposed by Kakabjari Ambon in Saparua in the case, Director Oharda at the Attorney General's Office of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office and Deputy Head of Maluku agreed to approve the request for termination of prosecution based on restorative justice.

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