JAKARTA - The candidate for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno, met Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in his capacity as former Governor of DKI Jakarta at Simpang Semanggi, Central Jakarta.

Ahok revealed the reason he met Pramono-Rano in the bridge area and the intersection that had been built since he led Jakarta. To Pramono-Rano, Ahok said that the Semanggi intersection is the result of cooperation between the DKI Provincial Government and the private sector which provides value for the benefits of the community.

Jika bakal pasangan cagub-cawagub Jakarta usungan PDIP ini memenangkan Pilkada 2024, Ahok berharap Pramono-Rano bisa melanjutkan pola pembangunan infrastruktur seperti yang ia lakukan.

"So I think this is what Mas Pram and Bang Rano will continue their cooperation patterns with the private sector which can benefit all stakeholders," Ahok said at the Semanggi intersection, Thursday, September 18.

Ahok explained that the Semanggi Interchange was built without using a penny budget. Ahok built the Semanggi Interchange with the building floor coefficient (KLB) obligation fund from a Japanese company, Mori Building Company.

"I say this is not a CSR (corporate social responsibility). Many people think this is the construction of a CSR, no. This is an obligation of a Japanese company. This is a study from his team from Tarumanegara University. So the policy we make is to benefit all parties, "explained Ahok.


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Meanwhile, Pramono admitted that he had learned a lot about Jakarta's management from Ahok. Pramono caught that he and Rano deserved to continue the legacy of the former governor of Jakarta which was considered beneficial for the residents.

"One of Pak Ahok's extraordinary relics is at Simpang Semanggi. So why then when Pak Ahok offered at Simpang Semanggi I was very happy because I always reminded me every Saturday to always pass Ahok's incline," explained Pramono.

During the meeting, Ahok, Pramono, and Rano chatted together in the Semanggi park area in a relaxed atmosphere. The three of them also took pictures with officers from the DKI Jakarta City Parks and Forest Service who were working.

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