KENDARI - The Kendari Class II Harbormaster and Port Authority (KSOP) Office gave sanctions in the form of removing positions against personnel who went viral for kicking people selling at Nusantara Kendari Port.

Head of Section (Kasi) of Sailing Safety, Guard and Patrol (KBPP) KSOP Class II Kendari Capt. Agung Kurniawan said his personnel named Agus had been removed from their positions as Police Officers or Provos.

"It happened when he was securing the ship's departure, because of the emotional factor for a moment so that he took the action, but it was wrong," said Capt. Agung when met in Kendari, Antara, Wednesday, September 18.

The perpetrator has been summoned to provide clarification regarding the viral video incident when he kicked merchandise belonging to residents who sold it at the Kendari Nusantara Port.

"We have called, and the person concerned also admitted his mistake," he said.

Capt. Agung also explained that the incident would be delegated to the Kendari Class II KSOP Head for follow-up at the Ministry of Transportation.

Meanwhile, Agus said that prior to the spread of the video, he who kicked the residents' merchandise had told all sellers not to sell near the ship that would dock at the port.

"As an officer at the port, I have often told traders not to sell near the ship, but because the field conditions are out of control, I made a mistake in kicking the mother's selling goods," said Agus.

Even so, he also admitted that his actions were wrong. Agus also apologized to a trader named Wa Cili and his entire family.

"I apologize profusely for my behavior that made Cili's mother's heart hurt, all because of my mistake, so that incident happened," said Agus.

Di tempat yang sama, Wa Cili juga menerima permintaan maaf yang disampaikan oleh pelaku yang didampingi oleh Kapolsek KP3 Kendari bersama asosiasi Ikatan Pemuda dan Pelajar Kota Lama.

"I accept the apology and there are no more problems, hopefully it won't happen again," added Wa Cili.

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