MEDAN - A woman in the city of Medan, North Sumatra, was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Helvetia Police on suspicion of murder of her husband. Initially, the woman admitted that her husband died in a traffic accident.
The suspect named Tiromsi Sitanggang (57) is a resident of Gaperta Street, Central Helvetia Village, Medan Helvetia District, Medan City.
The arrest and determination of the suspect status were carried out after a thorough investigation by the police, including the crime scene (TKP), examination of 19 witnesses, consultation with expert witnesses, and exhumation of the victim's body whose autopsy results showed injuries to the victim's body.
Medan Helvetia Police Chief Kompol Alexander Putra Piliang said the murder took place at their home in the Jalan Gaperta area, Central Helvetia Village, Medan Helvetia District, on March 22, 2024.
Alexander explained that the initial information regarding the incident was obtained from the Medan Adventt Hospital. The victim named Rusman Maralen Situngkir (61) was reported by his wife who died in a traffic accident. After receiving this information, the Medan Helvetia Police accident officers went straight to the hospital and processed the scene of the case.
"It turned out that at the scene, we did not find any evidence showing a traffic accident. The next day, officers returned to the Adventt Hospital to examine the body, but the body had been taken to his hometown in Sidikalang, Dairi Regency," Alexander said, Tuesday, September 17.
When he was about to be buried, the victim's family found irregularities in the form of injuries to the victim's body which seemed unnatural. They then reported the findings to the Medan Helvetia Police.
"Initially we had difficulty conducting an investigation because the victim's wife, who is now a suspect, was blocking the autopsy process. However, based on the family report, we carried out an exhumation and inspection by the forensic laboratory team of the North Sumatra Police," explained Alexander.
The results of the investigation showed that there were many wounds on the victim's body, indicating that death was not caused by a traffic accident, but rather murder. With strong evidence, the police then arrested and named the wife a suspect.
The motive behind this murder is still under investigation. Police suspect the victim was deliberately killed to obtain insurance claims. Although the suspect did not admit his actions and insisted that the victim died in an accident, evidence shows the victim was registered for insurance before his death.
For further investigation and examination purposes, the suspect is now being held at the Medan Helvetia Police Headquarters.
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