The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of West Nusa Tenggara Province warned of the presence of three State Civil Apparatus at healthy road activities and the declaration of the candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor Lalu Muhamad Iqbal-Indah Mohayanti Putri or Iqbal-Dinda at GOR 17 December Turida Mataram City, last Sunday.

"So, the issue of ASN neutrality is indeed the highest vulnerability point in the 2024 NTB Pilkada. So, we ask not to mess with his position. Because if he still participates in politics, he will be more resigned," said NTB Bawaslu member Suhardi to reporters in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, September 17.

According to him, currently there are very many residents in NTB who want to become ASN. Therefore, if you have become an ASN, you must comply with the rules that prohibit ASN from being involved in practical politics.

"If the ASN is present at the declaration, it is clearly an element. If the campaign is a candidate pair (paslon), please. This is because people also need to know about the vision and mission of regional head candidates who are not just pictures. But also need to listen to it immediately," he said.

Terkait ada tiga ASN Pemerintah Kabupaten Bima yang diduga mengikuti deklarasi pasangan Lalu Muhammad Iqbal dan Indah Dhamayanti Putri (Iqbal-Dinda) maju Pilkada NTB 2024, da mengatakan hal tersebut sudah ditangani oleh Bawaslu Kabupaten Bima.

"They have intervened to conduct a search. Please friends, can directly trace the truth to Bawaslu, Bima Regency. But what is certain is that we will be firm with ASN who violate the rules regarding neutrality," said Suhardi.

For this reason, Suhardi invites ASN to maintain their neutrality during the 2024 Pilkada. Moreover, currently many candidates from regional heads have appeared in the NTB Pilkada. In addition, on September 22, 2024, it will also enter the stage of determining the pair of candidates for head and deputy regional heads.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bima Regency Bawaslu, Junaidin, confirmed that his party is currently conducting a search regarding the circulation of photos of the Bima Regency Government ASN who were present at the declaration of the Iqbal-Dinda pair at GOR Turida, Mataram City.

"It is true, we have received information about the photos of the Bima Regency Government ASN that participated in Iqbal-Dinda's declaration. So, the photo evidence is a clue for us to carry out further searches," he said when contacted by telephone.

Regarding who the Bima Regency Government ASN is. Junaidin has not been able to disclose it because it is still being inventory.

"What is clear is that if in the deepening there is an element of their violation involved, of course we will continue it to the central BKN," he said.

He further said that for the involvement of ASN in the Bima Regency Government involved in the 2024 Pilkada, as many as 40 ASN.

"Of that number, three ASN during the declaration of Iqbal-Dinda in Mataram City also participated in the ASN figures that violated it," he said.

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