YOGYAKARTA - The CAT BKN (Computer Assisted Test of the State Civil Service Agency) simulation program is a program designed to help prospective CPNS (Civil Servant Candidates) selection participants understand and prepare for the test with the CAT system.

This CAT system has been implemented by BKN to ensure that the CPNS selection process runs transparently, objectively, and accountably. Through the CAT BKN simulation, participants can experience real experiences in working on selection questions with the same method as during the official exam. So what is the CAT BKN simulation? Let's discuss it more deeply!

These simulations usually include various types of questions that match CPNS test formats, such as National Insight Tests (TWK), General Intellectual Tests (TIU), and Personal Characteristic Tests (TKP). By following these simulations, it is hoped that participants can gain an understanding of the interface and computer-based test work procedures, so that they are better prepared for upcoming tests.

Before discussing more deeply about the CAT BKN simulation, it is important to first find out what CAT BKN is. CAT is a computer-based test method applied by BKN for various types of selection, including CPNS selection. This system is used to evaluate the capabilities of prospective civil servants objectively and transparently, because the results of the test are processed directly by computer systems without human intervention.

In the CAT exam, participants do problems directly via computer, and the results can be seen in real-time after the exam is completed. This method is considered fairer and more accurate because it reduces the risk of fraud and bias. Therefore, CAT BKN is the standard in the process of recruiting civil servants in Indonesia.

Profits Following BKN CAT Simulation

1. Real CAT Examination Experience

CAT simulations provide a tangible picture of how the CAT BKN exam is carried out. Participants can learn computer interfaces, how to answer questions, and manage time better while working on the problem. This experience helps reduce stress and anxiety that may appear during the exam.

2. Understanding Against Types Of Problems

In the CAT simulation, participants can practice answering various types of questions similar to the CPNS exam questions. Usually, these questions include three main fields, namely TWK, TIU, and TKP. Through training in this simulation, participants can deepen their understanding of the format and types of questions that will be faced in the exam.

3. Identify Weakness

After completing the simulation, participants can directly see the results of the evaluation. This makes it easier for them to identify weaknesses and parts that need to be improved. That way, participants can concentrate on aspects that require improvement before the official exam takes place.

4. Time Management

One of the biggest challenges in the CAT test is managing the time well. These simulations help participants learn how to manage time more effectively, so they can answer all the questions within the given time limit.

How To Register For BKN CAT Simulation

The following are steps to register for the CAT BKN simulation:

1. Visit the Official BKN Site or Official Application

Langkah pertama untuk mendaftar simulasi CAT BKN adalah dengan mengunjungi situs resmi BKN di (https://www.bkn.go.id) atau mengunduh aplikasi simulasi CAT yang tersedia di Play Store atau App Store. Beberapa platform swasta juga menyediakan layanan simulasi CAT, namun untuk pengalaman yang lebih mendekati ujian asli, sebaiknya gunakan platform resmi BKN.

2. Create an Account

After accessing a simulated site or application, participants need to create an account first. This process usually involves filling in personal information such as full name, email address, phone number, and others. Make sure all the data you fill in is correct and accurate.

3. Select CAT Simulation

After successfully creating an account, participants can choose the type of CAT simulation they want to follow. There are several simulation options that are adjusted to the type of test to be taken, for example for CPNS or PPPK. Choose a simulation that suits your needs.

4. Start Simulation

After selecting the type of simulation, participants can immediately start simulation training. The time of the simulation work is usually the same as the official exam time, so participants can practice managing time while working on the problem.

5. See Results and Evaluation

After completing the simulation, participants will get a score that can be seen directly. This score helps provide an overview of the participant's performance and shows areas that need to be improved before taking the actual CPNS exam.

In addition, also read how to participate in the BKN CAT Online Simulation for CPNS and PPPK for your refrension adders.

So after knowing what the CAT BKN simulation is, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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