JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPN Sub-district Division of the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora) Raihan Iskandar said, every month Rabiul Awal, Muslims are always reminded of one great person, namely the Prophet Muhammad.

As happened in the commemoration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW on the 12 Rabiul in early 1446 H/2024. This maulid commemoration also indicates that the Prophet was sent by Allah SWT to convey revelations to mankind regarding universal teachings that are relevant to be applied in everyday life.

"That is the teaching of compassion, brotherhood and peace whose main mission is to spread tahid religion, where Islam is a religion of affection for all creatures," said Raihan Iskandar in a statement received by VOI, Monday, September 16.

According to Raihan, the Prophet also succeeded in perfecting morality in guiding his people with integrity, patience and affection among humans.

"He also made very significant social changes in the Arab community at that time, which at that time was filled with prosperity and ignorance, on the verge of division and war," he said.

Through the teachings he brought, the Prophet SAW succeeded in building social justice and equality, as well as equality of degree. Where Islam, does not discriminate between race, ethnicity, religion and social status.

"He firmly opposes slavery and oppression. There is no advantage for Arabs or non-rabs, nor white or black, all based on equality and brotherhood," he said.

This then became the basis for the birth of Islamic civilization. Not only that, the Prophet is so concerned about the weak or the little people, and cares about the oppressed such as the poor, orphans and women.

"He promotes the teachings of justice for weak groups, where previously they did not get proper rights in society, including in political roles," he said.

On that basis, the Prophetullah founded the State of Medina, a country based on the principles of strong legal justice, as well as the unity of the people in the socio-economic and political life, which is regulated in the Medina Charter.

"The Medina Charter is considered the first written constitution in the world that guarantees the rights of citizens, both Muslims and non-Muslims. Creating peace between ethnic groups and religions, and becoming a model of a multi-cultural society to be able to live peacefully," he said.

Rasulullah, said Raihan, also applies Islamic laws indiscriminately, based on the principles of justice, without distinguishing between the rich and the poor or between certain ethnic groups.

"As a prophet and a prophet, Muhammad SAW also directly led the defense of the people from attacks by his enemies. Enforcing the ethics of war sequences such as not hurting women and children," he said.

Even the Prophet also promoted peace and diplomacy, rather than war. This policy certainly benefits the development of Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil alamin in the long term.

The Prophet sent his envoys to world leaders at his time such as the Persian King, Egypt and other leaders to invite them back to Islam.

"This shows that he brings prosperity to all mankind, so that it can be a perfect example for the people, not his ambitions or personal interests," he said.

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