The Bogor Regency Government is advised to coordinate with the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) and the Bogor City Government to overcome congestion that repeatedly occurs in the Puncak area. Most recently, severe congestion for more than 12 hours occurred in the Puncak tourist area, during the long holiday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 14-16 September 2024.

According to transportation observer Djoko Setijowarno, the coordination between the Bogor Regency Government, BPJT and the Bogor City Government is expected to provide congestion solutions in the Puncak area, such as the provision of public transportation from the Baranangsiang Terminal to the Puncak Rest Area to reduce private vehicles passing by.

"Bus with moderate capacity, that's enough. It is hoped that the traffic flow will run smoothly and parking on the side of the road must be lost," he said, Monday, September 16, 2024.

In addition, the Bogor Regency Government can also provide feeder or feeder transportation to take tourists to other tourist locations. "So there is main transportation, there is feeder transportation. There must be transportation to divert people using public transportation," he added.

He emphasized that policies taken so far such as one way and odd-even will not be effective in preventing or unraveling congestion in the Puncak area during long holidays. Because, currently many people have two cars or even have multiple number plates.

Therefore, policy makers must start thinking about building public transportation and feeders to go to the Puncak tourist area. "So far, there must be adequate public transportation. This is of course homework for future regional heads, including perhaps also for the Agglomeration Council considering that Bogor Regency and City are included in the agglomeration area in the DKJ Law," said Djoko.

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