The Bogor Police have denied that an elderly female tourist named Nimih (56) died due to being stuck in traffic jams in the Puncak area, Bogor, West Java, which occurred on Sunday night, September 15.

Head of Traffic at the Bogor Police, AKP Rizky Guntama, explained that the chronology of tourists dying was not because they were stuck in traffic jams.

"It is true that there were tourists who died, the victims were 56 years old. The victims died in the rest area of the Gunung Mas Mosque. Not died because they were stuck in traffic," said AKP Rizky when confirmed by VOI, Monday, September 16.

The incident began when the tourist came after carrying out a tour in the Gunung Mas Agrotourism area.

"When he finished carrying out tours in Gunung Mas Agrotourism, when he was riding the vehicle he felt dizzy and nauseous. Then shortness of breath, then he was evacuated to the mosque. When he arrived at the mosque, he was declared dead," he said.

Meanwhile, based on information circulating, a tourist is said to have died because he was trapped in traffic jams in the Puncak Bogor area, West Java. Information that tourists died due to traffic jams is confirmed to be hoaxes.

"So no one died due to traffic jams. But he was traveling, then there was shortness of breath and then died," said AKP Rizky.

Furthermore, the victim's body was evacuated by ambulance under tight escort from the Bogor Police Traffic Unit. During the evacuation process, the Bogor Police Traffic Unit also deployed a number of personnel according to the SOP.

"So if there is an ambulance containing both minor injuries and serious and even critical injuries, we prioritize it. Even though we are currently implementing a one way, we will prioritize it. For the critical, we will boyong, we will guard it to a point where it is necessary either to the hospital or to the direction of Jakarta," he said.

Until this news was written, the case was still being handled by the Bogor Police Traffic Unit.

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