BOGOR TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto led the distribution of 500 food packages to the community around the TNI's Peace Maintenance Mission Headquarters (PMPP) in Sentul, Bogor, last Saturday. This activity is part of the commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the TNI.

"This is a form of TNI's concern in easing the economic burden on the community and strengthening relations with the people," General Agus said in his remarks.

This basic food assistance is a form of TNI's commitment to help underprivileged communities, especially in difficult times. General Agus emphasized that the TNI is always present for the people through various forms of humanitarian assistance and programs.

In addition to distributing basic necessities, General Agus also planted sukun trees as part of an environmental conservation program. This planting is one of the TNI's efforts to maintain natural balance and support national food security.

"We plant trees to ensure a greener future for future generations," said General Agus.

Also present at the event were Kasal Admiral TNI Muhammad Ali, Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Tandyo Budi R., Inspector General of the Indonesian Armed Forces Lt. Gen. Muhammad Saleh Mustafa, Kapuspen TNI Major General Hariyanto, and PMPP TNI Major General Taufik Budi Santoso, as well as a number of other high-ranking officials.

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