JAKARTA - Jakarta governor candidate Ridwan Kamil will launch the "Bongkar Aspiration Ridwan Kamil" program or abbreviated as BARK. This program aims to be a forum for the people of Jakarta to express their aspirations and criticism directly.

"The name BARK is from our creative team, which means 'DOgging' in English. So, the public can convey criticism or input as long as there is no body shaming element. Please criticize the program that we initiated. Why? Because we have chosen democracy, so this is a form of expression," said Ridwan Kamil.

When asked about the alleged similarity between the BARK program and the "Desak Anies" program initiated by former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Ridwan Kamil responded casually. He stated that the comparison was not a problem and asked the media to focus more on the substance of the program.

"I've done the same thing in various places. If there is a resemblance to Anies' insistence, I don't think it's a problem. There's no need to argue. The important thing is, let's focus on the substance of the program," he said.

Ridwan Kamil emphasized the importance of open discussions such as BARK, especially because he feels he is still new in Jakarta and needs to understand the public and their needs more intensively.

"I started to socialize more structured. Some are through social media, some are through discussions such as town hall, blusukan, and so on. This is because I am aware, as a new person in Jakarta, I need to introduce myself closer to the community," he added.

Ridwan Kamil also revealed that direct interaction activities like this provide his own satisfaction, because he can have a dialogue with residents, explain his vision and mission, and absorb their aspirations directly.

"This is very fun for me because I can explain my vision and mission more deeply, as well as absorb the aspirations of the residents directly," concluded Ridwan Kamil.

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