JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has begun to continue the construction of phase two (north-south) Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) lines, specifically for the City corridor to West Ancol.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said this was stated in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 92 of 2021 concerning the Determination of the Location for the Construction of the MRT Line for the City-West Ancol corridor.

"The land acquisition is planned for 2021 to 2023. Meanwhile, the physical construction is planned to be carried out in 2023 or after the land acquisition is completed," said Syafrin in his statement, Tuesday, March 30.

He said that the financing for this land acquisition came from the DKI Jakarta Regional Budget. Meanwhile, the placement of MRT Station infrastructure is adjusted to field conditions which are supported by technical studies from PT MRT Jakarta.

In the construction of the Kota-Ancol Barat corridor MRT line, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has built three stations, namely Mangga Dua Station, Ancol Marina Station, and West Ancol Station.

Meanwhile, this land acquisition is in accordance with Government Regulation Number 19 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Land Acquisition for Development for Public Interest.

"The planned land area required is around 196.292 square meters," said Syafrin.

Syafrin continued, the construction of the City-West Ancol MRT corridor is an effort to unravel congestion in Jakarta. In addition, inviting the public to make more use of public transportation and move away from private vehicles.

"In addition, it also stimulates and encourages economic growth through the provision of efficient transportation services, including improving the quality of the environment," he concluded.

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