As a result of being involved in the processing of evidence of 1 kilogram (kg) of methamphetamine, seven members of the Narcotics Unit (Satnarkoba) of the Barelang Police were fired or sentenced to dishonorable dismissal (PDTH).

Sanctions were given after the process was carried out according to procedures by the panel of judges of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) of the Riau Islands Police Propam.

"Yes, it is true that the decision of the National Police's code of ethics commission hearing was sanctioned by PDTH," said Head of Public Relations of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Pol Zahwani Pandara Arsyad, confirmed in Batam, Thursday, September 12, as reported by ANTARA.

The ethics trial was held against 10 members of the Barelang Police Narcotics Unit, which was held from August 30 to early September 2024.

Of the 10 people, three officers have been tried for ethics first, namely the former Head of Narcotics at the Barelang Police, Kompol SN, along with two ranks Iptu SE and Ipda FA. On September 5, through the Secretary of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Benny Mamotor, it is known that the three were sanctioned by PTDH.

Furthermore, the ethics trial for seven other members of the Barelang Police Narcotics Unit is in the process until the news of the ethical decision is only known today.

"The results of the KKEP trial of the 10 violators of the police professional code of ethics from August 30 to early September 2024," he said.

He revealed that the 10 KKEP violators were declared to have violated the provisions of Article 13 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 1 of 2003 concerning the dismissal of members of the National Police in conjunction with Article 13 letter e of the Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022.

Perpol Number 7 of 2022 Article 13 letter e states that violations of drug abuse, psychotropic substances and illegal drugs include storing, using, distributing and/or producing drugs, psychotropic substances, and illegal drugs.

Regarding whether the seven KKEP violators filed an appeal like the other three officers, Pandra said it was still in progress.

"Still waiting to see if the violators of the police code of ethics accept the verdict, or file an appeal memorandum process," said Pandra.

Seven non-commissioned officers were sanctioned by PTDH, namely Aiptu WRK, Bripka JG, Bripka RM, Bripka JS, Bripka AC, Bripka AT, and Brigpol. MR.

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