BANDUNG - The Unpad Faculty of Medicine (FK) stated that it had recommended severe sanctions for lecturers suspected of bullying the Specialist Doctors Education Program (PPDS) at Hasan Sadikin Hospital that occurred some time ago.

Dean of FK Unpad Yudi Mulyana Hidayat said the investigation and review process by the faculty with the Disciplinary, Ethics and Anti-Violence Commission of the Faculty of Medicine and Hasan Sadikin Hospital had been carried out and sanctions recommendations had been sent to the University.

"So we process it, and it is suspected that the severe sanctions are given but the law must still be studied. Maybe in the near future the decree will be issued from the university because the faculty only proposes severe sanctions, while the staff of the lecturer's authority is at the university," said Yudi, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, September 12.

Yudi said the proposed sanctions to be applied were in the form of a prohibition for those concerned from providing services both as consultant doctors in hospital education, as well as teaching lecturers in classrooms or out of class.

The sentence period for the person concerned, said Yudi, is between six months and one year if severe sanctions are applied.

"So it is not allowed to provide services between six months to a year. However, if the position of rank is not grounded," said Yudi.

Regarding the absence of the lecturer, Yudi said that his party considered that the violations committed did not reach the very heavy category and directed the dismissal sanctions.

Yudi also explained that the lecturer who was suspected of bullying was a separate case from senior bullying to junior at PPDS Surgeon Saraf Hasan Sadikin Hospital which was busy some time ago, even though it happened to the same PPDS group or wave.

"So it's not related, yes, it doesn't coincide with conspiring there, it doesn't. But the victims are more or less in the same group," he said.

Regarding the imposition of sanctions, Yudi explained that it was a principle implementation held by the faculty of prevention or handling bullying not only for students, but also for teachers, so that when it was suspected that there was bullying treatment carried out by the lecturer, action must be taken as well.

"Because the rules already exist in the guidelines, how the ethics of lecturers have been made, starting from the Unpad academic senate, to the faculty there are all those streaks," he said.

Previously, based on data on ethical studies and bullying laws by lecturers/consumers to students, it was known that the case of bullying at PPDS Surgeon Saraf was revealed when an Unpad neurosurgeon student resigned in June 2024.

In the study, it was known that the students were asked to rent a room at a hotel near RSHS for six months. In addition, they spent at least up to Rp. 65 million per person for these months for the purposes of renting hotel rooms and necessities, so there was also a senior request.

The funded senior needs include entertainment (entertainment), food and drink, car rental, and wingma needs.

In addition, the document also revealed allegations of physical violence to verbal abuse from seniors against students.

In the study, the ethics committee also asked for clarification on the acts of violence committed by senior neurosurgeon specialists related to students. As a result, as many as 10 people were sanctioned and one lecturer was still waiting for the fall of sanctions on him.

In addition to the case in the neurosurgeon department, FK Unpad has also taken action against perpetrators of bullying in the urological specialist department as many as seven prospective senior specialist students or students who are one semester longer than their victims.

The seven perpetrators, in the case that occurred in 2023 at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, bullied such as ordering push-ups at juniors who were late to arrive, even though the action was not related to medical education. Seven perpetrators were then sanctioned with a warning letter by the faculty.

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