Public Relations of the Way Kambas National Park Center (TNWK) Sukatmoko said the fire that had occurred for two nights since Saturday, September 7 in the Way Kambas Forest had been successfully extinguished.
"Alhamdulillah, the hotspots have been extinguished. Indeed, this fire is not only one point but several points in the TNWK," said Sukatmoko when contacted from Bandarlampung, Antara, Tuesday, September 10.
He said that the fire fighting effort at the TNWK was carried out by a Joint Team involving the TNI, Polri and the community, as well as officers from Way Kambas.
"The process of extinguishing the old fire was because it was quite extensive, even my friends were tired to extinguish the fire," he said.
Moreover, he continued, several locations that burned were also difficult to reach, even water sources at the location were also experiencing drought due to the dry season.
"That's the problem we've faced so far. But if efforts are clear, we have carried out patrols, early detection, and in the process of extinguishing the fire, we involve the TNI, Polri, and the community," he said.
Sukatmoko said that the burned area was on a stretch of weeds and shrubs, so the fire spread quickly.
"If it is a big animal, God willing, it will be safe and not become a victim. But if small animals such as wild animals die on fire," he said.
He said that for the burned land area until now, his party could not confirm it because when the fire broke out, they were still focused on extinguishing the fire.
"For detailed data, we have not finished calculating the extent of the fire, which is clearly quite wide because 2 nights of fire because it was very dry and accompanied by wind," he said.
The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Umi Fadillah Astutik, said that the fire that occurred in TNWK occurred at several points, including Simpang Pule and RPTN Umbul Salam, with vegetation in the form of dry logs and shrubs.
"In the process of extinguishing the fire, 31 people were deployed from a joint team consisting of members of the National Police, TNI, Polhut Balai, ASN SPTN II, Manggala Agni, and TN Partner Way Kambas," he said.
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