JAKARTA - The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla (JK) received the arrival of the candidate pair for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta Pramono Anung-Rano Karno at his residence.

Pramono arrived at around 20.27 WIB, following Rano who arrived a few moments later. The meeting between JK and Pramono-Rano lasted less than an hour. JK's warm welcome was seen from the meeting inside the house until he was willing to take Pramono to his car on his way home.

A few days ago, the Jakarta cagub-cawagub pair Ridwan Kamil-Suswoni also visited JK's residence, last Thursday, September 5.

JK admitted to giving advice to the two prospective pairs. However, JK admitted that he preferred the chat with Pramono-Rano over RK-Suswono.

"Yes, (the advice) is almost the same (with RK-Suswono), only this (Pramono-Rano) is better," said JK while making a smile at his residence, Jalan Brawijaya Raya, South Jakarta, Monday, September 9.

Moreover, JK considers his meeting with Pramono and Rano more like chatting with old friends. This is because JK has known Pramono since JK became Vice President of the era of President SBY and Pramono as Member of the Indonesian Parliament.

"Actually, it's not an advice, talking to friends," said JK.

"Pak Pram is an old friend that we have worked with in the government for 20 years. He certainly didn't explode like Ahok. But, he is a hard worker, I guarantee that. He is an engineer, so he must have the ability," he added.

To this prospective PDIP support pair, JK reminded them to pay attention to the issue of the recurrence of Jakarta if they win the 2024 Pilkada. JK sees that currently there are still many slum and dense settlements that need to be arranged.

"Let's see if this Kebayoran, Menteng, PIK, let alone look (around) the Palace. Only one kilometer, next door is a very slum area. There is no city that is lame, so life. Therefore, our main thing is to pursue justice for the whole community, I think it will definitely be done," said JK.

The resolution of the classic Jakarta problems such as floods and congestion also did not escape JK's message to Pramono-Rano.

"I'm leaving a few things, if, for example, giving guidance to the leaders of Jakarta in the future, solving basic problems in Jakarta such as congestion, flooding, and slum areas. Because others can be done with other people," he continued.

DOC: Pramono-Rano Team

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