If You Love Your Family In The Village, Please Don't Go Home
Hopefully the homecoming route will be vacant like this (Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay)

JAKARTA - For those of you, who are reading this article and already have the intention of going home to your hometown. Please, keep that feeling even though the plan to return home has been drawn up for a long time.

It's not that you don't understand that feeling. But there is a problem that is far more important than simply the desire to smell the soil at the place of birth or meet relatives in the village.

Not only mother earth. The earth that we are trampling on today, is at war with enemies that are visible to the eye. A deadly virus with an insanely spread rate called Covid-19.

The spread of Covid-19 is indeed getting crazier. The rate of increase in positive cases is so unequal compared to people who have recovered. And unfortunately, soon, this country will enter the homecoming ritual.

Homecoming is the perfect entry point for this virus to travel to other locations. Not to mention the shy but deadly characteristics of this virus. People who are positively exposed, may not feel anything. And this is where the catastrophe begins.

Imagine, if a village or village that was originally clean from the corona virus, the arrival of travelers. You name it, one of them was positively exposed to corona. But because his immune system is at its prime, he hasn't felt any symptoms.

The person then chatted, let go of longing for many people. In an instant, without anyone realizing it, Covid-19 has entered your village. Your longing has finally turned into a national disaster.

The calculation above does not include interactions during the trip. How many people were met. This is even more so if travelers take public transportation.

Central Java is well aware of this threat. Tens of thousands of people from various provinces have an average village in Wonogiri, Semarang, Cilacap, Jepara, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Kudus, Magelang, Boyolali to Karanganyar.

In fact, Central Java is not an area that has not been exposed to Covid-19. However, they predict, if the homecoming ritual is still carried out, the cases of sufferers can soar like crazy.

"If you love your family in your village, if you want your family to be healthy and safe, cancel your intention to go back to your village. You don't have to go home," said the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, as stated in a YouTube video, Saturday, March 28.

Central Java already has an example of how sadistic this virus can be when it is brought by someone from outside. The first positive patient in Solo contracted Covid-19 while in Bogor. He came home with the virus and infected his wife, family and friends.

It's not the first time Ganjar has prohibited travelers from entering Central Java. However, many people have not obeyed an appeal that has been repeated many times. It is recorded that up to March 26, 2020, more than 46 thousand travelers have entered Central Java.

"All travelers, all are included in People Under Supervision (ODP)," said Ganjar.

"The best way is to cut off the spread of the virus from cities to villages," he said.

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