JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan stated that he would impose strict sanctions on all levels of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government for covering up cases of alleged sexual harassment.

This is related to the temporary deactivation of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Province Goods and Services Procurement Agency (BPPBJ), Blessmiyanda. Bless is being questioned by the DKI Inspectorate for allegedly sexually harassing employees.

"If in the examination it is found that there was a violation, then the reported party and all those who cover up the facts during the examination process will be given strict sanctions in accordance with the applicable regulations," Anies said in his statement, Monday, March 29.

Currently, Anies has appointed the Regional Secretariat Assistant Government, Sigit Wijatmoko, to be the Acting Task Force (Plt) Head of BPBJ for DKI Jakarta Province. However, he still wanted to apply the presumption of innocence to Bless.

Anies expressed his appreciation for the courage of the reporter to disclose the allegations of sexual harassment experienced, and ensures and guarantees protection of the reporter.

He emphasized that there is no tolerance for immoral acts within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, and justice will be upheld for any violations.

"Our attitude at the DKI Provincial Government is clear that we will not tolerate immoral acts that injure the values and integrity of the DKI Provincial Government, and also violate the oath of office to uphold the dignity of civil servants," said Anies.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Maneger Nasution asked DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to anticipate potential career threats from civil servants who were allegedly harassed by Blessmiyanda.

"LPSK reminded the form of threats or potential threats that may be received by victims and witnesses, for example, threats related to career or position. This threat is very likely to be accepted by victims and witnesses in addition to physical threats and legal threats," said Maneger.

Maneger said, do not let threats related to career and position prevent this case from being revealed. "Don't let the victim become a criminal victim, still become a victim again related to his status as a civil servant," he said.

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