JAKARTA - Fugitive Philippine authority Alice Guo, was finally deported to her country after being arrested by Indonesian police in the Tangerang area.

The woman who is a former Mayor of Bamban has become a fugitive in the alleged money laundering case. In addition, Alice Guo is also accused of having ties to a Chinese criminal syndicate.

Alice Guo's arrest was made in one of the houses in the Tangerang area on September 3. Then, the Police's Division of International Relations (Divhubinter) who handled the case also left Alice Guo's detention at Polda Metro Jaya.

"The arrests are the result of collaboration with Polda Metro Jaya and Polresta Bandung," said Head of the National Police's Hubinter Division, Inspector General Krishna Murti, Wednesday, September 4.

It is known that Alice Guo when she entered Indonesia did not go directly to Tangerang. However, it is semper to several cities such as Batam, Jakarta, and Bandung.

A few days later after Alice Guo's arrest, the Philippine authorities who had received the news immediately left for Indonesia.

They asked Alice Guo to be handed over for processing according to the applicable law in the Philippines.

Finally, several Polri officials such as Kabareskrim Polri Komjen Wahyu Widada and of course Inspector General Krishna Murti held a meeting with the Philippine authorities at Polda Metro Jaya.

From that meeting, it was decided that the National Police would hand over Alice Guo and repatriate her to the Philippines by deportation.

"Now we have handed it over to the Philippine authorities and the interior minister, the police chief, and this is all on the orders of the National Police Chief," said Krishna.

The decision to deport Alice Gou was also at the request of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to support the Philippine government as a form of cooperation in law enforcement.

"Now the person concerned will be repatriated with a deportation mechanism through increasing cooperation between the police. We name the police to police corporation and this cooperation is normal in the world," he said.

Swap Guling

Prior to the deportation agreement, the National Police planned to exchange rolls with the Philippine authorities. That is, the Bhayangkara Corps asked to exchange Alice Gou's detainees with Gregor Haas.

Gregor Haas is an Australian drug kingpin who is a fugitive from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). He was arrested by Philippine authorities.

Krishna said the exchange had also been discussed at the meeting. However, the results were not clearly conveyed.

It is only mentioned if the exchange is still in process and will be realized.

"That's part of the discussion, God willing, it will be carried out with the process and time that is being worked on and we are waiting for the results. So, that's the part we are talking about," said Krishna.

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