JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan finally admitted that there were allegations of harassment committed by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Province Goods and Services Procurement Agency (BPPBJ), Blessmiyanda to his employees.

Through a written statement, Anies said that this case was the basis for his decision to temporarily suspend Bless from his position. Currently, Bless is being examined by the DKI Inspectorate.

"We are doing the deactivation of the Head of BPPBJ to ensure that the inspection and investigation process can be carried out by the Inspectorate of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government quickly, thoroughly and fairly for all parties involved," said Anies on Monday, March 29.

Anies also appointed the Regional Secretariat Government Assistant, Sigit Wijatmoko, to be the Acting Task Force (Plt) Head of BPBJ for DKI Jakarta Province.

Anies ensured that he placed the protection of victims who were reporters as the top priority.

Psychological and legal assistance is provided to reporters under the coordination of the DKI Jakarta Province Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control Office (DPPAPP), in collaboration with the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A).

"We ensure that the reporter gets protection, assistance and recovery. All these procedures will be carried out in accordance with the applicable guidelines from the DPPAPP and P2TP2A, "he said.

Previously, the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) confirmed that Blessmiyanda sexually harassed one of her employees. LPSK Deputy Chairman Edwin Partogi said this information was confirmed by the LPSK source from the DKI Provincial Government.

Edwin said that his party was ready to provide protection to one of the civil servants who was a victim of this alleged sexual harassment.

He said, protection is important because in the world of civil servants there is a hierarchy that creates a power relationship between the suspected perpetrator and the victim and witnesses who may be his subordinates.

"This power relationship is often the way for sexual harassment to occur in which the perpetrator takes advantage of his position to harass the victim. This includes threatening victims or witnesses not to provide information or report. This is where protection for victims and witnesses becomes important," said Edwin.

Edwin reminded that there were threats that victims might receive, for example threats related to career or position. This threat is very likely to be accepted by victims and witnesses in addition to physical threats and legal threats.

"LPSK hopes that the Inspectorate and other related agencies pay attention to this potential threat. Do not let threats related to career and position make this case not revealed," he said.

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