Jakarta Governor Ridwan Kamil said the formation of the 2024 Pilkada Success Team will be completed this week. RK ensured that the Ridwan-Suswono or Rido pair timses did not involve public figures.

According to RK, the process of compiling the Timses structure was quite time-consuming because the Rido pair was promoted by a large coalition. It is known that the Ridwan-Suswono pair is supported by 14 political parties.

"Later it will be conveyed to the media the structure of the winning team from the Rido pair. The difference is that we have a rather large coalition, so communicating the names requires a more extended deliberation," said RK, Thursday, September 5.

"God willing, this week it will be done," he continued.

RK emphasized that his party was not looking for public figures to be involved in the winning team. Because, according to him, what is needed now is the managerial ability and maintains harmony among the supporting parties.

"From us internally, we are not looking for a public figure like what kind of figure, so because we are needed it is harmony and managerial. So it's not a figure, it's just a managerial thing," he said.

The former Governor of West Java said that it is very likely that the Rido pair success team will be filled by representatives from each supporting party.

"So because we are a rather large coalition, the figure being accepted by a large coalition seems to be only internal. Maybe the leadership of the council from the parties we are looking for," he said.

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