JAKARTA - Pope Francis had said two Indonesian words while leading the grand mass at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Senayan, Central Jakarta.

This religious event began when the Archbishop of Jakarta, Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo tabled in front of him. Pope Francis then left his seat and started mass by saying the cross in Latin.

"In Nomine Patris Et Filii Et Spirituals Sancti," he said when opening the grand mass, Thursday, September 5.

Furthermore, Pope Francis said "Pax Vobis," which means "Peace with You". Then, the Pope leads the opening prayer and invites people to start the prayer of allegiance in Indonesian.

"I admit...," he said in Indonesian.

People then proceed with, To Allah Almighty and to all of you that I have sins...

As previously reported, Indonesia became the first country Pope Francis visited in a series of visits to Asia-Pacific. This is the first Pope's visit since 35 years of Pope John Paul II's visit in 1989.

Pope Francis arrived on Tuesday, September 3. There are a number of state agendas with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to Catholic monks and monks.

Furthermore, Pope Francis led the grand mass at GBK on September 5. Then, the trip to other countries continued on September 6.

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