YOGYAKARTA In this article, the fact that the Vatican state is the spiritual center of Catholics around the world will be discussed.

The Vatican is a country that is rejected within the city of Rome, Italy. Officially, the smallest country in the world is known as the Vatican City (Vatican City). The Vatican's country is only about 44 hectares with a population of approximately 800 people.

The government system in the Vatican state is in the form of absolute theoretics, in which the Pope has the highest authority both in terms of legislature, executive, and judiciary.

The Vatican became an independent country under the Lateran Agreement signed with Italy in 1929. The agreement grants the Vatican the status of full sovereignty and independence from Italy.

Compiled from various sources, the following is an interesting fact of the Vatican country that is not widely known.

Above, it has been mentioned that the Vatican is the smallest country in the world, with an area of only about 44 hectares and a population of approximately 800 people.

Although small, the Vatican can attract about 5.5 million tourists every year, making it one of the most popular destinations in the world.

The Vatican state is also known as an art and cultural center with an extraordinary collection of art. In this country there are iconic buildings such as St. Peter's Basilica and Sistina's Chapel which are famous for their paintings.

Another interesting fact for a vaccinated country is that ATMs in the Vatican country use Latin for user instructions.

This ATM is owned by the Vatican Bank, and is a special attraction for tourists in this ancient language.

The Vatican is the spiritual center of the Roman Catholic Church and the official residence of the Pope, a spiritual leader for more than one billion Catholics worldwide.

The head of state of the Vatican is called the title 'Pope' or 'Pope' in Indonesia. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word 'Pope' means the supreme leader of the Catholic religion based in the Vatican.

As head of state, the Pope has absolute executive, legislative and judicial powers. The Vatican is the only country in the world that has an absolute form of the theoretic rule.

The Vatika armed forces are known as the Swiss Kepausan Guard. These troops consist of 135 members trained militarily. They have been responsible for the safety of the Pope and Vatican since 1506.

At the Vatican, there is also the shortest rail line in the world which is only 300 meters long with one station. Although short, this railway line is used for the purposes of importing certain goods and ceremonial events.

Despite the small country, the Vatican turns out to have its own football team. This team is very unique because it consists of Vatican employees, including police officers, postal workers, and members of the Swiss Guard.

The Vatican is the only country whose entire territory is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Several well-known sites are St. Peter's Basilica, the Apostolic Palace, and Vatican parks.

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